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 "The power is coming from us - we are the generation of change!"  Xiuhtezcatl Martinez

"Earth Guardians is an organization of dedicated youth from around the world. We are committed to standing up to protect the Earth, Water, Air and Atmosphere so our generation, and those to follow, inherit a healthy, just and sustainable planet. We are focusing on weaving together the synergy of individual grassroots youth driven projects around the globe, to create one international, intergenerational movement for effective change."               

The founder of the Earth Guardians is the 14 years old Xiuhtezcatl Martinez, who decided as an 6 years old boy (!) to become an environmental activist. He has indigenous roots and came into the world through the Aztec culture on his father's side, and environmental activism on his mother's side. His deep connection with the Earth inspired him to become a voice for protecting the Earth.

His 11 years old brother Itzcuauhtli Martinez is following his footsteps since years and was recently deciding to accomplish a 45 lasting silent strike to make himself heard on the climate conference 2014 – It was working!

Both of them are showing us with a strong inward sureness, that leadership has something to do with taking over responsibility for one´s own life, for doing the right thing, for protecting our planet and our future. Theirs message, WE are World leaders, because WE are the ones who are taking over responsibility and take action!   


So if you are inspired by the Earth Guardians, follow them on their website and their facebook-page. You will find many possibilities to participate. For example by from #SilenceIntoAction


Xiuhtezcatl  Youth Leadership Bioneers


Itzcuauhtli  Silence To Be Heard!

Speech of the 6 years old Xiuhtezcatl


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